Monday, February 6, 2012

So today I told a friend at work that I would be graduating in May and his first question was, "What are you going to do?".  My response was a shrug.  His second question was, "Lit major...are you gonna get your Masters?", again my response was a shrug.  The funny thing is that in the past when people would ask me what I plan to do when I finish school I would get this immediate feeling of anxiety; I would suddenly begin to get images of myself aimlessly wandering a deteriorating library with coffee stained teeth and an overgrown tan sweater shushing the elementary school kids visiting the obsolete library for a field-trip, and then I remembered...I don't even drink coffee! No...just kidding (I mean I don't drink coffee anymore but that's not what I realized)...what I realized is this time, for some reason unknown to me, I feel totally okay with not knowing what I want to do for the rest of my life.  I did not feel any anxiety but instead I felt calm.  I do not know if this is some sort of odd senior mental disorder that is encroaching on my mind, possibly denial that I will in fact be done with school soon, or maybe it's apathy about the current work force and job opportunities of our economy. Whatever it is, I'm okay with it, and I'm gonna ride this feeling for a while... : )

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